September 29, 2010

Happy Sunday

Definitely yea, I came back to KL. Now is the first week of study class, I have only to attend the lecture classes. So, I refuse to attend classes in this first week bcuz I’m typically too lazy and my throat get sick, non-stop coughing, feel damn suffering now. Tomorrow still have to celebrate my friend’s birthday, gosh, please let me recover fast and fast, if not - I cannot eat on tomorrow dinner.

I felt so bad luck. That day went back to Teluk Intan already felt so bad luck, faced people who kept vomiting inside the taxi until lead me and my boy back home late. But then, bad luck still happen on the day I came back to KL. The bus’s air-conditioner that we took can’t worked, hot and sweat! Therefore, we suffered for 30-40 minutes in the super hot bus until we reached to a rest stop. But guess what, we still need to wait for so long until another bus came and picked us. At last, we back late than an hour plus to KL, freaking dog-ass! The whole day made me felt so uncomfortable, headache and stomachache! =(

But hopefully my boy found the open top and asked the bus driver to open it. If not, I think I will hot till stifle! My boy also agreed we only go back to his hometown if we can follow someone’s car, no more BUS. =D

Besides that, last Sunday we went to celebrate Kenshin and Yee Hing’s birthday. We went to ice skate at Sunway Pyramid and ate steamboat at the area near there, named “Yuan”.

Only 4 girls and 3 guys ت

My face gets fat and skin get dark in the holiday, sob sob ت

YEAH! Peace and it’s a singlet day for girls  ت

I hate the ice skate’s shoes, damn pain at the end.  ت

The colourful star by the colourful glove! ت

A close snap, finally two of them dare to skate alone, kekee gambateh!  ت 

I fell down for many times bcuz I wanna learn skating! Don’t give up until I fell down but sh*t, my pant and buns get so wet  ت

This was my third time played the ice skate. The first time was a long time ago while I still a kid. The second time was last year while celebrating my love anniversary. But frankly speaking, I still scare to skate bcuz the ice surface is too slide, I afraid to fall down. But this time, I tried to persuade myself not to scare and learned to skate without holding people hands. And yeap, this was the reason that I kept falling down, too badly, LMAO. I hope I can skate smoothly cuz others people look so enjoy in their skating. (Arghh, my body’s agility is too awful! No matter what sport I played will be very worst and I don’t have the stamina, too weak T0T)

Yummy steamboat ت

A variety choice of food, good ت

We really took and ate a lot of food that night. OMG, I ate until my stomach so FULL. But my mouth still wanna ate those sweet dishes, like ice-cream and watermelon, just cannot foist into my mouth and stomach anymore. (Laugh) The “Yuan Steamboat” chicken wings quite delicious, I love that, it tasted sweet and have to grab the chicken wings. The “Tomyam Soup” of the steamboat also tasted not bad wa. You can eat a lot and only cost RM20.80 per adult, it was cheap and worth. =)
 Neh, Yoyo was eating the delicious chicken wing! (Seriously, why my face became so chubby!) ت

Yoyo’s face so laughably! Cute, hahaa! ت

Last line, I’m really hope that my throat can heal asap AND (represented by funny Shu Peng, thanks giving me a good ending to my post, wahaha)

September 25, 2010

Pimples Face :(

*Sigh* my pimples suddenly pop out more and more on my face in this holiday. I’m look super ugly with my “damage face” and it’s too yuck! Maybe I’m eat too much hot and spicy seafood that contained little toxin such as cuttlefish and crab, curry too!! Gosh! What to do and HELP, pimples totally kill my confident to live! Eventhough I know a bit puff, but it’s true. During the exam, my face was getting worst and worst! Now like, BOMMMM, super duper worst! (Not meant to show you my serious acne face, too hmmm, so please imagine yourself, almost  back to my secondary skin, FML!)

Anyway, I did found some ways to cure pimples. If you do have, don’t mind to follow. If you’re not, okay congratulation, I’m envy with your beauty and smooth skin! Some people have pretty skins that are natural and frankly their skins make me feel so jealousy!! I’m rather to be a fatty also don’t want to be a pimple girl, at least fatty still can have a pretty face, right! Urghh!!

1. First thing, not only have to take care of your face clean but also your inner body! Please have a cleansing diet recipe such as taking a lot of vegetables, fruits and water. The toxins in your body will be cleared away.

    2.     Eventhough sugar is very attractive and sweet to eat such as chocolates and ice-cream, but sorry, it can bring about pimple breakouts, so avoid high sugar food. You should eat food that is rich in Zinc and Vitamin C since this food can improve the immune system from acne.

      3.     Hah! This way is exactly reflected on me, my damn itchy hand cannot stop to do that – Don’t touch your face with your hand cuz the dirt can be easily transferred to your face which leads the acne to occur. (I hope I can stop this bad habit. I love to touch my face especially while watching TV! I think I have to cut off my hands first…) 

        4.     Another way is to get a lot of sleep. Sleep early and wake up early. I know is hard to youngsters, cuz mostly they like to hang out or surfing until late midnight, included me. Just try your best, you can’t go to bed on 10pm (beauty skin time) but at least sleep before 12pm and wake up before 9am. (My skin is oily, so I can’t wake up late, bcuz my skin will become oily and easily get dirt. I think I should sleep and wake up early from now.)

          5.     Not to stress up yourself in your life. Heavy stress probably will lead to serious breakouts of acne. Come on, just take it easy and stay happily. Live away from whatever kind of stress. (Its truth, while taking exam, my pimples can easily pop out, so don’t be so stress and burn the midnight oil, not good to skin.)

            6.     The last way is try to eat as much fish as you can. This is because fish are enrich in Omega 3 which is helpful to the acne skin and give you a clean skin. (OMG, I probably ignore to eat fish that are not fresh at KL, maybe I can try to buy food care that contained Omega 3. Anyway fish meat is delicious, so please eat as much as you can.)
              Starting from now, I think I have to work out with these ways so help to improve my ugly pimple face. I have to stop from my mouth first. Don’t simply eat the fried food that I love much and sweet foods like chocolates. Well, eventhough I can’t totally ignore those foods but at least, I try to take as few as I can. At last, I hope that these ways can help you too, try just as well. ^^v

              September 24, 2010

              ♥ u do have a great happiness












              偏偏我又是容易經痛的女生,所以當天我都不敢去上課,因為我知道如果我很痛的話 - 我是沒有辦法走路又坐巴士回家。想起中學時期,我一旦在學校經痛,打一通電話,媽咪就來接我回家。生病的話有一塊冷冰冰又舒服的抹布貼在我額頭,還有一碗熱騰騰的粥可以吃,而我只需要好好的躺在床上休息,有什么事喊一聲爸爸媽咪就可以了,真的比起現在幸福的多了。如果我沒有出去獨自生活,我真的是不知道,我曾經是那么的幸福過。

              人生就是要獨自出來生活,搬離家人的雙翼保護層外,才知道自己曾經“身在福中不知福”。那時候還埋怨家人對你的過分嘮叨和保護 - 其實那才是最幸福的日子

              Eat in holiday

              HAPPY BELATED AUTUMN FESTIVAL!! (Sorry for few post this month bcuz of holiday so I let my brain to rest and enjoy life, hehee, LAZY BONE =p)

              Anyway, we did a couple BBQ for celebrated autumn festival. Only a few fare such as hotdog, kappar (something similar to clam but in white colour), Kam Mung fish (sorry, really don’t know their name in english or malay) and of course chicken wings. Cuz only two of us eat, so we only prepared little fare for our BBQ, the most important was to enjoy the process. Too bad, no fish ball, I love fish ball so so much!! =’(

              The fish need to use tin to BBQ. It preserved with curry powder. It tastes nicer if preserves with tomyam. 

              Straight away put these clams on the BBQ net.

               After that, the clams opened automatically. That’s meant ripe and we can eat. Taste great, I like it!

              I’m extremely like to eat seafood, especially 3C - crab, clam and cuttlefish. For the crab, I can eat as much as I can and always the last person who left the table, cuz still eating and eating, my mouth don’t want to stop. =D At outside, the seafood too expensive so we less eat seafood, plus, not fresh and delicious! Last week, I snapped about the process of cutting cuttlefish.
              1. Cut into half. (Not presented by me, I were the photographer, this was present by my boy’s younger sister! Hee! )
              2. Show you the cuttlefish’s eyes, its blood reddish black. Yuck!

              3. Show you its mouth, looks a bit like octopus. Take down this head but without eyes. =) 
              4. Its bodies. Remove its skin from the left side until become exactly like the right side of the photo.

              5. Pull out its bone and gut. (Too disgust to show you the gut, so I refuse to share, haha!)

              6. Cut its bodies into small pieces and done!

              7. We review back when its bodies and heads still perfect. Hah!

              Besides that, my boy’s mum did cook laksa. Early in the morning, we went to take Kam Mung fish from his aunt, the fish meats taste better and fresh. Laksa need to prepare lotsa stuffs to cook and therefore is not easy. That’s why it tastes delicious. But laksa made from his mum tasted different from Kuching, a bit sour and more like Asam Laksa.

              1. I chose different two types of noodle. ( One is mihun, another one idk, but I love right hand side noodle more.)

              2. The laksa sup, whaooo, makes me drool now. T.A.S.T.Y!!

              3. Here there is a HOT and TASTY LAKSA. =)

              At this holiday, the only thing that I can do is eat, eat and eat, nothing is more than that. Haha. At least, I can grow a bit fat?! I hope so bcuz I’m too thin eventhough I love to eat junk food.  Anyway, what makes me angry now is that I can’t watch “supernatural”. PPStream had removed out this TV series. FFF!! I searched and searched, “Eh, why it disappeared from the PPS list?”, and I can’t imagine if one day “the vampire diaries” also gone. I think I will get mad, maybe, the only thing I can do is just download.

              Hmm…in the holiday, I super miss my bed, Tiggers, blanket, pillow and bolster, everyday can’t wait go back to my sweet warm little shelter. After that, Imma celebrate my friend’s belated and on that day birthday, yup, its two guys celebrate on the same day. Then…I will start my new semester. Gosh, so fast! I’m not yet ready go to class and also get my last semester result.

              *Bless Me* ♥___♥