January 1, 2011

2011 wishlist

This is the first post in year 2011, A.W.E.S.O.M.E. for no reasons

What I wish to do in a brand new year? A good start, probably. And make sure there still be a good process and happy end of 2011. Don’t try to put me in an unpleasant situation, because I hope my life is happy and easy without worries. *Greedy? I knew.* Teehee!

1. I wish to earn $$$ for 2S – SAVE and SPEND

IM not a rich girl and so I need to earn money for my saving and spending. After the final exam, I have about 3 months holiday for my first time in college. Wow! This means that I have to find a part-time job or internship during my holiday. Any recommends? =)

2. I try to BLOG as much as I could to attract more reader

Yup, my blog is earning (I serves Nuffnang, lol). But IM still NEW in blogging, therefore I hope that I could blog as much as possible in order to attract more reader and earn more money from Nuffnang. Please support and share out my blog to your friends, your kindness will be truly appreciated. 

3. I want a CLEAN FACE without pimples and scars

I don’t know why my skin is so sensitive and always grows pimples. It’s ANNOYING. Most of the girls could have a pimples free skin, but not me. *Sob* I wasted a lot of money for buying the facial products, but still not 100% works. I do really hope that my skin condition can be improved in 2011, IM not a teen anymore, please don’t grow pimples and leave scars on my face. BUG OFF!

4. Stop my LAZYNESS in everything

LAZY aka ME is a very best friend. I never stop my laziness in doing everything and sure will bring along my best friend in my works, especially in my studies. Come on, I have to STOP it because it is a dangerous drug to me. *Seriously* I like to do everything in last minutes such as revision for my final exam. This attitude will bring me to unsuccessful life, SO DON’T!  Don’t ever behave like the same way again. Change it!

5. I hope my 21st BIRTHDAY will be memorable and awesome

Yup! 21.04.2011 will be my 21st birthday. I don’t need a GOLD KEY but I want a special and memorable birthday celebration. I know ain’t easy to have a special birthday celebration cuz most of my friends are also the Baby of April as mine. Plus, IM the last one among them in the month (not included derrick, lol), so everyone seem to be no money to celebrate my birthday, included my boy himself (he also born in April). Therefore, I hope this year birthday celebration will be different from the past few years. At least, I want pretty pictures that can be my memories. =)

6. I want to improve my social intercourse

I have no idea why some people will think that “IM A TALKACTIVE GIRL”. You are wrong, sometimes I will feel shy to talk with someone that I don’t know so much. I only brave to talk with people that are close to me or the one who take the initiative to talk with me. Hence, I love people who come and talk with me. Hmm...NAH! I should improve my communication and try to talk with others. (I know this is a hard task to me, but I still have to carry on! *Sigh*) Someone please teaches me how to communicate? =x

7. I want to buy a Semi-pro DSLR Camera

I love to CAMWHORE for my blog pictures. Therefore, IM extremely need a good camera. My digital camera’s quality is low- no longer satisfying me. I REGRET to buy the Samsung brand. Sigh. It’s stupid and waste money. Thus, this year, I plan to buy a Semi-pro DSLR camera for myself. But don’t know what brand I should buy. Nikon, Canon or Sony? I will think of it after I have the money. *Laugh* =D

8. I SUPER WISH to see Mayday!

My top favourite band – MAYDAY of course, no doubt. Last year (2010), was my first time gone to their concert at Bukit Jalil, it was my happiest day in the year. Hahaaa! Not puffing. They are the only singers that I can love so much, my passion towards them is never end. This is because THEY ARE ROCK AND AWESOME! I saw a lot of fans cried at the Taiwan’s Countdown Concert when Mayday was performing on the stage. *Touching* I really wish to see them again. 

9. I have to gain weight

Don’t laugh at me because I have only 38kg with 160cm tall - extremely underweight. People want to lose weight, but I want to gain weight. Everyone is asking me “Why I look so thin? Please eat more a bit.” Especially to the elders, cannot withstand to my skinny body. Some aunties that first met with me, kept telling me how to gain weight and what should I eat, provided some recipes to me too. *Speechless to their super kindness, but thanks!* I want to, but ain’t easy for me gain weight. Maybe need to EAT A LOT and MORE THAN 3 MEALS PER DAY. LMAO. I want fat because IM facing problem in searching clothes, no size is really fit to me except for the kid’s clothes. (laugh) *Headache* 

10. Lastly, I wish to TRAVEL

Travel is my dream. I know this sentence is a bit turgid, but is true. I have no money to travel abroad, eventhough I desire to travel from long time ago. I do really jealous to them who can always go to travel or some more sick of travelling. GOSH! =x But I know is impossible for me to travel abroad in this year, because I couldn’t earn that much money to spend on travelling. If I do, I think I need to sleep on the roadside. LMAO.  I know my mum will go Bangkok with her colleagues, I wish to follow but she said not this year. *Nah, sad* Who can bring me along while travelling? Please contact me. (Stupid) =D

Wish me luck in 2011 and dreams come true. ^^v

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