July 29, 2011


From my expression, you can see how mad I am now!

I feel so angry and super blue mood now cuz the lecturer has throw us a bomb today that was extremely exasperating me. F assignment has exactly screwed up my whole day lovely mood. I can’t understand and also can’t withstand with HIM. Why he needs all of us to redo our individual assignment? And IF he wants those figures and what the hell income statement, he should told and explained to us CLEARLY before we handed up the assignment, NOT AFTER. (Speechless, I feel like want to slap his face, Lol!)

Hope in next semester, this stupid thing will not happen to us again because he will teach us super gan-jiong subject that contains 100% coursework and need to present “publicly”. Other lecturer and seniors: Wish us good luck. Wth? Aaarrghhh! I hate him.

Owwwkayyy! Stop thinking about this snuffy thing! T.T (Letmee showww youuu my haaappiieee faceee now, swt!)

Awwwwyaaahhh! This weekend I will go to Yoyobabe’s hometown – @Segamat, Johor with Shupeng! Eugene can’t make it bcuz she gonna go back to her hometown and meet with her elder sister. Sigh! Less one purple kaki! Teehee! But hope next time we can make it and go to Yoyo’s hometown again! Anyway, we‘ve knew her for 3 years plus, but this is our first time go to her hometown. And therefore, I hope that we will have a lovely sweet weekend and forget about the assignment for temporarily!

Yeeaaahhh! We gotta enjoy until maximum before the assignment and final exam. :DD

*I’ve tried my best to update my blog at least once a week in July! Goodbye peeps and the month of July!*

1 comment:

  1. assignments, we dread them in uni.. but somehow, i wish im still studying :P
