November 10, 2010

Kok Joo 24th Big Day

I found that a lot of 9 November birthday girls and birthday boys, included Stefy Chang and Kok Joo (we often call him uncle, suit him, teehee). Anyway, wish them happy birthday “again”. =)

So, yesterday night we had a simple celebration for Kok Joo. We celebrated at Cola Club, FYI, not a club, but more like a café restaurant which near my area. Pissed off! I forgot to snapshoot the super lots of different cola tins. It’s cute and special.

 : : Sweet time in COLA CLUB : :

Opps, sorry! I can only show you the low quality pictures that captured by mobile. Not a camera. Stupid camera low battery so I don’t really using it to camwhore. F* Pictures are blur and less. Please forgive me. Next time will use back camera eventhough my camera also s*ck, at least slightly better off. LMAO.

: : Michimimachi and me are like to camwhore : :

: : Eugene lost in the air. LOL. Bcuz~ : :

: : She hasn’t arrived. So, less one kaki. (Sob sob) : :

: : My pwettie babes, hehee : :

And finally, birthday time. As usual, we sang birthday song to the birthday boy – Kok Joo. This was the first time we celebrated his birthday. Just get to know him better in these few months. Before that, we more like a stranger, just know that “He is shupeng and eugene’s housemate who named UNCLE” =D

: : ask him “Don’t Act Cute” anymore, Why?: :

 : : Bcuz he is the panda who likes to act cute! Hahaa crap : :

: : This is the only clear picture that I’ve by flash : : All of us didn't like flash, so we failed to snapshoot clear pictures: : 

The celebration time quite rush cuz they went to play badminton after that. The guys are super addicted and crazy about badminton, at least once per week. Sometimes they play badminton more than twice a week. So, we only snapshot few pictures. Next time, hope wouldn’t that rush guys. *Enjoy please*

Last but not least: (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) ^^

: : Wish him ALL THE BEST : :

Ps: I'm so happy cuz tomorrow gonna having a shopping time with my babes! Whooo! Wish you have a nice day!

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